On March 26, 2019, Jayaboard held Ngopi (Ngobrol Pintar Bareng Jayaboard – Smart Talk with Jayaboard) in Lhokseumawe, Nangroe Aceh Darussalam. The event was held at Twin Star Restaurant, by inviting a number of Lhokseumawe applicators. Filled with various interactive activities, Jayaboard hopes that the Ngopi event can be a place to exchange knowledge as well as to strengthen cooperation with applicators.
The event began with a product presentation session which discussed further the advantages of Indoboard products and Jayaboard compounds. Not only that, the participants were also invited to immediately try to apply the Jayaboard compound product to the gypsum board in the Blind Test session. In this session the participants can feel/experience by themselves the beneficial of using Jayaboard compound such as less shrinkage and easy to use.
Other than product presentation sessions and blind test sessions, Jayaboard had "On the Spot Promo" which was only available during the event. Not to forget, the Jayaboard team has also prepared attractive merchandise for lucky participants.
The event was ended with a warm dinner and a photo session together.
Jayaboard has regular activities to share knowledge and innovation around the latest product and system trends in the world of construction to architects and professionals throughout Indonesia. If you want your office / community to be visited by Team Jayaboard, you may register via email [email protected] / [email protected] or call Jayaboard Hotline at 021 797 7777.